Archive for April, 2006

RSS feeds, share yours.

Sunday, April 30th, 2006

Rss feeds (What’s an RSS Feed?) are the latest and greatest ways of keeping up with any kind of information. Ever since I started subscribing to feeds I am constantly on the lookout for new and interesting sites. So here is a peak at some of my favorite feeds. Ask MetaFilter – A question and […]

Is college counter productive?

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

I was rereading some of essays from freshman year and I realized something – in some cases my writing ability has actually deteriorated.  I do not think this is due to any thing I have been taught in college, but rather, it is indicative of the time constraints now placed upon writing an essay.  I […]

Finals…please kill me.

Monday, April 24th, 2006

Cant post…finals crushing me… To all of you in crunch time, turning out essays left and right while studying for finals – I salute you. Good luck to everyone!

gaming for free

Monday, April 24th, 2006

And now for a step away from productivity: VIDEO GAMES. For all my fellow gamers, we hit quite the conundrum when we get to college. We love video games, but cant afford them. Below is a little guide on how to get your kicks in until you can afford games new again. 1up has done […]

Free alternatives for expensive programs – Never buy software again.

Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

It’s no secret, the average college student cannot afford common PC programs:

Windows – Home Edition: $100
Norton Anti-Virus: $70
Microsoft Office: $329.99
Macromedia Dreamweaver: $376.99

Here are some alternatives if you happen to be buying a brand spanking new computer but dont want to pony up the greenbacks. Or if you have been eyeing up some new software, you may want to consider these alternatives:

Click on….

Want a job with your degree? Too bad.

Tuesday, April 18th, 2006

A great post at outlines why – if you want a job – college is the wrong place to be. “But one of the stupidest things I heard thrown around was the question of which major would help get a job. It went something like this: “All the econ majors get jobs in consulting, […]

What’s your website? Help me create the nets first college network.

Sunday, April 16th, 2006

I am taking the intial steps of starting a College Blog webring.  I’m still hammering out the specifics but if you maintain a site about college, college life, or anything relating to higher education leave a comment or shoot me an email.  My goal is to build up a nice network of friends and authors.  […]

Google launches calendar

Friday, April 14th, 2006

Google has just luanched their long rumored calendar program.  While it doesn’t yet link to gmail, the future looks promising. Go poke around at [tags]Google, Calendar, Google Calendar, CL2[/tags]

10 reasons to switch to Firefox

Friday, April 14th, 2006

I noticed in my site stats that 64% of you that visit this site are using IE. Stop! Use Firefox.

See why inside….

250 More ways to get around having a site blocked.

Wednesday, April 12th, 2006 has a nice list of 250 proxies. Similar to one of my older posts, you can uses these sites and services to circumvent any security features your college may have. via [tags]proxy[/tags]

An adsense test

Monday, April 10th, 2006

We college kids are a broke bunch, and I’m no exception.  Thus that little box to the right containing Google’s adsense.  I plan on keeping you guys updated on the results, and if they are favorable, I’ll try to offer all the advice I can on how to make your web site profitable. [tags]Google, Adsense[/tags]

Why you should learn HTML, and how to do it – for free

Monday, April 10th, 2006

As you can see by the layout of this site, I’m no HTML guru. However I do know my way around HTML code, and aside from validating my geekness knowing HTML can prove to be a positive influence on your career. How? Say there was a universal language that every body in the world spoke. […]

Speeding up your computer

Friday, April 7th, 2006

If your computer’s start up sound seems to come later and later everytime you boot up, USA Today has a nice little article about how to expedite the start up process. LINK [tags]USA Today, start up[/tags]

5 things to do when the work piles up…

Wednesday, April 5th, 2006

If your like me, right now the semester is drawing to a close and the work is piling up. As my posting calender will tell, I havent had too much time to do anything but work. But lately I have been trying free up some more time and here are a few things that may […]

Make your own luck

Tuesday, April 4th, 2006

How to be luckier (is that a word) Obviously some measure of luck is based on chance, but this experiment and many others have led Wiseman to conclude that a significant portion of one’s good fortune is not random, but rather due to one’s state of mind and behaviors. He concludes that luck is an […]