Archive for the ‘College Fun’ Category

Colleges Keeping Tabs on Student Athletes Using Facebook

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

More and more college coaches are signing up for Facebook accounts, but not because they want to fraternize with students. Rather, college administrators and athletic directors are asking them to monitor athletes’ profiles and Facebook activities. Some have gone as far as banning their athletes from having Facebook profiles altogether, and kicking them off teams […]

Free College Music Service

Monday, January 22nd, 2007

Looking to score some free music without having the RIAA on your behind?  Then check out Ruckus Networks,  operators of the Ruckus digital music network designed for college students.  Beginning today, Ruckus is offering up its service for free to all U.S. students with a valid .edu email address. Previously Ruckus had only been accessible […]

Naked Parties – Why All the Hype?

Friday, January 12th, 2007

For the past few days, you cannot watch one of the 24-hour news channels without hearing about naked parties that are happening at some of the Ivy League colleges, and others around the country. In fact, even today, I saw a female student on a news program who was being interveiwed about these naked parties. […]

Places to Visit, Services to Use on Campus

Monday, December 25th, 2006

Despite what you might believe, college doesn’t just provide you with adequately torturous classes to attend, and those cramped dorms to live in.  There are other places on campus, as well as services that your school provides, that you should definitely take advantage of. More than likely, your college has a campus health center.  If […]

Virtual Sex: More Common Amongst Students Than You Think

Thursday, December 21st, 2006, an online dating community for college students based out of Toronto, recently conducted a survey of college students called the “Canadian Campus Kiss & Tell Survey” which reveals the virtual sex habits of college students.  The survey showed that over 87% of college students participate in some form of cybersex. The 87% figure reveals […]

College Humor Websites

Tuesday, December 19th, 2006

In the spirit of the upcoming holidays and the end of those awful papers, early morning classes, and final exams, I present to you some of the funniest college related websites on the net! College Humor – With a name like that, this site has a lot to live up to. Fortunately they live up […]

Guess what students, your profs rate you too!

Friday, December 15th, 2006

It used to just be that at the end of each semester, students would receive an evaluation form to rate their professors and the course in general.  However, these days, not only do students continue to fill those out, but they also rate their instructors throughout the semester or years on websites like MySpace, Facebook, […]

The Top 5 College Movies of All-Time

Thursday, December 7th, 2006

I present to you the list of the top 5 college movies of all-time, as decided by myself. I’ve also included a short review and explanation, as well as important film details. If you haven’t seen all of these yet, shame on you – head on over to Blockbuster or order a few from Netflix. […]