Archive for June, 2006

How to get a Heads Up Display (HUD) in your car for 5 cents

Thursday, June 29th, 2006

While doing a bit of traveling recently, I printed out some directions curteousy of Yahoo! Maps and placed them on the passanger seat. I found that looking over while driving probably wasn’t the safest option. I then decided what my Saturn LS needs is someway to project the text of the paper on my windsheild. […]

The coolest way to open a beer

Friday, June 23rd, 2006

This guy opens a beer bottle with another bottle. Pimp. via Boing Boing  [tags]beer[/tags]

5 (+1) Windows short cuts I wish I had known

Thursday, June 22nd, 2006

I have been recently doing a lot of works on Macs at my job and was amazed at some of the cool things OS X can do (the whole F9 thing blows my mind – I wish I was kidding). Then I realized that windows must have similar functionality and I checked out some of […]

Insidefacebook: so well named a cute title to this post is impossible

Thursday, June 22nd, 2006

I just discovered a neat little blog entitled Insidefacebook that keeps abreast of all of the recent news related to everyone’s favorite social networking site.  While the site focuses more on the business side of Facebook rather than the actual site, I think it is nice to know what exactly those crazy kids are doing […]

College 101: If you are going to be a smut, be a smut off camera

Thursday, June 22nd, 2006

As mentioned in some former posts (links below) college students live increasingly digital lives, taking pictures of their nights out and posting them on Facebook or Flickr. Well, the secret is out and employers are beginging to Google their applicants.  Be sure to keep those photos off the Internet and pinned to your wall. LINKS: […]


Monday, June 19th, 2006

While trying to install Linux on my computer I managed to screw up the whole thing.  More posts when I fix it.

College 101: guest entry from Ramit of ‘I Will Teach You to be Rich’

Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

Ramit of “I Will Teach You to be Rich” recommended an article from his site to be in our College 101 series. Ramit blogs about being an entrepreneur while teaching his readers about financial savvy. His post “On Greed and Speed” decribes the right attitude a young person should take when desiring money. When I […]

College 101: Commuting

Monday, June 12th, 2006

I’ve seen it happen to the best of us. We get all excited about going to college and living on campus. A party down the street from your dorm every night? Awesome! … Until you get the bill. Then, you college socialite, you are forced to save cash by living at home (or a nearby […]

Get Vista for free

Friday, June 9th, 2006

Just like Office, Microsoft is offering the beta version of its next release of Windows (Vista) for free. EDIT: Put link in. [tags]Vista, Windows, Microsoft, beta[/tags]

College 101: two tips to prevent being a “Super Senior”

Friday, June 9th, 2006

The fifth year college student, or “Super Senior” is becoming more and more common these days. I’m pretty sure that, while the reasons vary, most fifth year seniors are where they are because of mistakes they made as Freshman. Whether its not taking enough classes, failing, or not being aware of all of your requirements, […]

College v2 introduces a new series: College 101

Thursday, June 8th, 2006

It’s about that time of year for high school seniors: Proms are wrapping up and so are high school careers.  If you are a senior, you’ve probably been accepted to the college of your choice and can’t wait to move out of your boring hometown and meet new people and indulge your self in academia.Or […]

Even Ivy Leaguers dislike Ive Leaguers

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

According to a new CNN article self-injury is rampant among young people particularly Ivy League campuses. [tags]self-injury, Ivy league[/tags]

How to make a ring tone only young people can hear

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

In the UK a company has designed an apparatus to keep young people from loitering storefronts and shops. In the old days the only thing detering we whippersnappers was a “Get out of here you kids!” following by a shaking fist. But thanks to UK company Compound Security Systems, shop owners now have an alternative: […]

Every timesaving cell phone voicemail command

Monday, June 5th, 2006

Below is the follow up to a former post. The table is how to skip right to beep when you get a long winded message, and how to instantly delete a message in your cell phone’s voicemail box. Brand Skip to Beep Delete Message Cingular 7 7 Verizon * 7 T-mobile # 7 Sprint 1 […]

Save $300 from Microsoft

Monday, June 5th, 2006

Microsoft is making the beta version of Office 2007 downloadable for free.  These programs are one step away from the final version that often costs around $300. Get them here. [tags]Microsoft, Microsoft Office, Office 2007, beta[/tags]

College V2 … version 2

Sunday, June 4th, 2006

I have spent the last week or so overhauling the site.  Well here it is. The best new feature is the message boards, The Commons.  I hope it becomes a place where some of the people that frequent this site to converse and interact.  Hopefully everyone can submit some of things that helps them get […]


Sunday, June 4th, 2006

Im going to be tinkering with the College v2 layout in the next hour.