College V2 … version 2

I have spent the last week or so overhauling the site. Well here it is.
The best new feature is the message boards, The Commons. I hope it becomes a place where some of the people that frequent this site to converse and interact. Hopefully everyone can submit some of things that helps them get by in school and in life and we can all learn from each other. And then there will be sunshine and rainbows.
I put the recent comments plug in on the left side to encourage site conversation.
I also moved around the adsense to the sidebars. As mentioned in this post I tried adsense for the first time and averaged five cents a day. Obviously that’s not so good. I’m not out to make a killing but to help offset some of the costs (both money and time) that I spend.
Those quotes you see in the header are statements pulled from random posts. Some are even pulled from the comments.
I also noticed that the theme renders weird in IE. Im working hard to fix that. I am unable to test with Opera or any other browser so if something looks buggy, drop me a line.
And finally what do you guys think of the layout itself. All kinds of criticism is welcome, just don’t mention my mother, she could probably beat you up.
[tags]Site redesign[/tags]