Facebook + Youtube = MySchoolTube. Is it worth using?

In light of last week’s post about the abysmal failure that is YouTube’s college section, I was sent an email by the creator of MySchoolTube, a site that users the Facebook API to group uploaded video by college.
After signing in with your Facebook account (if you don’t have one you can still use the service, there you go Michael), you can browse school specific videos and upload your own. Videos then receive votes to be pushed to the top of the page.
Sounds like a better set up than YouTube, however MySchoolTube has the same problem as YouTube: lack of users.

As you can see the top video has only 2 votes.
The site does support Google Video, Yahoo video, Blip.tv, and Metacafe.
MySchoolTube sounds like something that can gain some ground, but will the users come?
[tags]College, Facebook, YouTube, MySchoolTube[/tags]
September 25th, 2006 at 4:53 pm
In a word: no.
September 26th, 2006 at 12:18 pm
Although the site is unlikely to take off, it does have a nice design (and almost standards complient)